Discovering Strength, Purpose, and Joy in Every Step

A marathon is more than a race; it’s a demanding yet rewarding journey that tests endurance, determination, and resilience. Beyond the finish line, marathons symbolize personal triumphs and the pursuit of goals, making them a powerful metaphor for life’s journey.

Life itself can be likened to a marathon—a continuous journey marked by various challenges, achievements, and unexpected twists. Just like in a marathon, navigating through life requires endurance, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to reaching personal goals.

Life is like a long race with hard parts, wins, and unexpected things. Every little step you take makes your own story. Enjoy the journey, find your way, and enjoy the moments.

Marathons with Purpose: My Journey of Meaningful Participation

Taking part in a marathon with a purpose changed my journey in a big way. Even though I’m not super fit for tough competition, the happiness of running with colleagues and friends makes it more special and fun.

It’s not just about finishing the race; it’s about creating good memories and positive changes with friends at every step. It shows that, even if you’re not the fastest, working together for a meaningful goal can make moments of joy that go beyond just the race.

2024 Dubai Marathon


2023 Dubai Marathon


2019 Super Sports Run

2017 Terry Fox Run

2016 Dubai Dessert Run

Gem Palomar

A dedicated HR professional in the UAE, I pursue interests in table tennis, enhance public speaking and leadership at Toastmasters, and find solace and self-expression in my deep passion for dancing.

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